
This guide describes how to download, install and encrypt the Dash Core wallet for Windows. The guide is written for Windows 10, but the steps should be similar for other versions of Windows.

下载Dash Core钱包#

Visit to download the latest Dash Core wallet. In most cases, the website will properly detect which version you need. Click Download Installer to download the installer directly.



If detection does not work, you will need to manually choose your operating system. Once you know which version you need, download the Dash Core Installer to your computer from and save the file you downloaded to your Downloads folder.


Dash Core 0.17 was the last release to provide downloads for 32-bit Windows installations. As of Windows 11, Microsoft only provides 64-bit Windows.

If you are unsure whether your version of Windows is 32-bit or 64-bit, you can check by following the instructions here.

验证Dash Core#

This step is optional, but recommended to verify the authenticity of the file you downloaded. This is done by checking its detached signature against the public key published by the Dash Core development team. To download the detached signature, click the Installer Signature button on the wallet download page and save it to the same folder as the downloaded binary.

All releases of Dash since 0.16.0 are signed using GPG with the following key:

Download the key file above. Install Gpg4win if it is not already available on your computer. Once it is installed, open the Kleopatra certificate manager and click File -> Import. Import the key file and verify the Key-ID matches the ID above.


Importing Pasta’s GPG public key#

Skip any requests to certify the certificate with your own key. Next, click Decrypt/Verify… and select the detached signature file named dashcore-20.1.1-win64-setup.exe.asc in the same folder as the downloaded installer.


Selecting the signature file for verification#

If you see the first line of the message reads Verified dashcore-20.1.1-win64-setup.exe with dashcore-20.1.1-win64-setup.exe.asc then you have an authentic copy of Dash Core for Windows.


Example of successful binary installer verification#

The following video demonstrates the steps to install Gpg4win and then verify the Dash Core installation file signature.

运行Dash Core安装程序#

双击文件启动Dash Core安装程序。


Dash Core安装程序在下载文件夹中#






Dash Core安装程序欢迎界面#







Dash Core正在被安装#



首次运行Dash Core#

Once installation is complete, Dash Core will start up immediately. If it does not, click Start > Dash Core > Dash Core to start the application. The first time the program is launched, you will be offered a choice of where you want to store your blockchain and wallet data. Choose a location with enough free space, as the blockchain can reach 45GB+ in size. It is recommended to use the default data folder if possible.


选择Dash Core数据文件夹#

Dash Core随后便开始运行了。第一次运行会比正常情况时间久一点,因为Dash Core需要生成一些加密数据来保护你的钱包。


启动Dash Core#

Dash Core和达世币网络进行同步#

一旦Dash Core成功安装并启动,你就会看到钱包的主屏幕界面。这时钱包是“非同步状态”,窗口下面会有进度条显示同步的进程。


Dash Core和达世币网络同步#

During this process, Dash Core will download a full copy of the Dash blockchain from other nodes to your device. Depending on your internet connection, this may take a long time. If you see the message “No block source available”, check your internet connection. When synchronization is complete, you will see a small green tick in the lower right corner.


Dash Core同步完成#

You can now create a wallet to send and receive funds.

Creating your Dash Wallet#

在 v20.1.0 版本加入: HD wallets are now created by default.

If no wallet files are loaded, you will get this prompt in the Overview tab. To create a wallet, click the Create a new wallet button or click File -> Create Wallet. HD wallets are created by default. See the advanced topics section for information about HD wallets.


You will be prompted to create a new wallet with a custom wallet name. By default, your wallet will be encrypted. You may choose to uncheck the box and encrypt the wallet later. We have included instructions on how to encrypt your wallet in the following section.


If you do choose to encrypt now, you will be asked to enter and verify a password.



Following that, you will get a standard warning.



The following section will detail the steps you need to follow if you choose to encrypt your Dash wallet later.


加密你的钱包,请点击设置 > 加密钱包








When the encryption process is complete, you will see a warning that past backups of your wallet will no longer be usable, and be asked to shut down Dash Core. When you restart Dash Core, you will see a small green lock in the lower right corner.


Dash Core钱包完成同步和加密#
