
Dash Core钱包是在电脑上运行的一款软件,它帮助个人在达世币网络上完成交易。大多数交易都和达世币的发送和接收有关,但在某些情况下它们也涉及到信息的创建和主节点的管控等情况。后续章节将对Dash Core钱包的界面设计进行具体描述。



Dash Core钱包#

Dash Core钱包的窗口包括几个部分:

  • 菜单栏

  • 标签栏

  • 主界面

  • 状态栏


菜单栏提供对Dash Core钱包的所有功能的访问路径,它为用户提供了四种菜单:


The File menu is used to manage your wallet and messages.




The Window menu provides access to your wallet addresses, information on the network and other advanced functions.


帮助菜单链接到与Dash Core钱包相关的文档、指南和法律声明。


标签栏帮助用户在Dash Core钱包的主要区域之间快速切换。Dash Core钱包的主要区域的内容以个人对选项卡的选择为准。用户可选择的标签栏包括:


The overview tab offers quick access to your balance and most recent transactions, as well as the CoinJoin feature.



The left part of the main area is divided into two areas. The upper area shows your balances, which may be divided into Spendable and Watch-only balances if you have loaded watch addresses:









The lower area shows the CoinJoin status and allows you to process your funds using CoinJoin on the Dash masternode network.

The right part of the screen shows your recent transactions. Recent incoming transactions appear green, prefixed by a + sign. Recent outgoing transactions appear red, prefixed by a - sign. For more details on your transaction history, see the Transactions tab.

Discreet mode

在 v20.1.0 版本加入: Discreet mode enables hiding value and transaction information on the Overview tab.

To toggle discreet mode off and on, click Settings > Discreet mode. With discreet mode enabled, your Overview tab will appear as shown below.


The Overview tab with discreet mode enabled#


The Send tab allows you to send funds to another address on the Dash network. It contains fields to enter the recipient’s address, a label for the address, and the amount of Dash you wish to send. Options related to the transaction fee are also available. A quick view of your total balance is also available in the lower right corner.








The Transactions tab shows the entire transaction history for all addresses associated with your wallet. This appears as a table showing the time, type, label and amount of Dash for each transaction. You can also export the transaction history as a CSV file by clicking the Export button in the bottom right corner of the window.

The icons in the leftmost column indicate the status of the transaction. A tick indicates that the recommended number of confirmations has been passed, while a circular progress indicator indicates the number of confirmations. A lightning bolt indicates a transaction with an existing InstantSend lock.


The Transactions tab#

The CoinJoin Tab#

The CoinJoin tab allows you to send funds to another address on the Dash network with enhanced privacy. It contains fields to enter the recipient’s address, a label for the address, and the amount of Dash you wish to send. Options related to the transaction fee are also available. A quick view of your total CoinJoin balance is also available in the lower right corner.


The CoinJoin tab#

The Masternodes Tab#

The Masternodes tab shows an overview of the masternodes currently registered on the Dash network. You can filter the data by entering a value in the Filter List field, or display only masternodes with owner keys stored in the loaded wallet.


The Masternodes tab#

The Governance Tab#

The Governance tab shows an overview of the governance proposals currently active on the Dash network. You can filter the data by entering a value in the Filter List field.


The Governance tab#




状态栏显示Dash Core钱包与达世币网络的同步状态。每当用户打开Dash Core钱包,它都会开始下载自用户上次启动应用程序以来在区块链上创建的区块。这些区块要从其他达世币用户和主节点上下载。如果用户以前从来没有启动过应用程序,那就意味着用户需要下载数年以来创建的区块。在这种前提下,钱包可能发生下列情况:


这种情况可能发生在网络连接断开或防火墙阻止Dash Core钱包端口运行的时候。


Dash Core从网络下载区块

Synchronizing governance objects

Dash Core is synchronizing P2P governance data.




This icon appears when your wallet is running in hierarchical deterministic (HD) mode. See here for documentation on HD mode.




These icons indicate the quality of your connection to the Dash network. If you cannot connect because of network problems, you will see only gray bars. More bars indicate more connections to your peers on the network.


These icons show the synchronization status of Dash Core with the network. Once synchronization is complete, the icon will become a green tick.


本文档介绍了Dash Core钱包的选项功能。用户可以打开Dash Core钱包,然后点击 设置 > 选项 对话框。


The Main tab of the Options dialog contains settings related to startup and performance of the Dash Core app.


Dash Core选项的主菜单#

系统登入时启动Dash Core

这个选项能使Dash Core钱包在系统启动的时候自动登录。在大多数计算机系统上,有且仅有一个主要的用户帐户能在电脑开启的时候自动登录,因此这个选项实际上可以有效地设置Dash Core钱包和操作系统。


隐藏托盘图标后,Dash Core钱包将不会在系统托盘中显示图标。用户不能同时启用 隐藏托盘图标和最小化到托盘而不是任务栏 这两个选项。


选择最小化到托盘而不是任务栏后,Dash Core钱包不再作为运行中的任务显示在任务栏中。相反,它将继续在后台运行,用户可以通过系统托盘中的达世币图标(位于系统时钟旁边的区域)重新打开钱包。用户不能同时启用**隐藏托盘图标**和最小化到托盘而不是任务栏这两个选项。


设置这个选项之后,每当用户点击窗口右上角的关闭按键,Dash Core钱包会被最小化而不是关闭。如果想要关闭钱包,用户可以在点击 文件 > 退出

Prune block storage to

This option enables pruning of blocks and specifies the amount of storage to use for block storage. Enabling pruning significantly reduces the disk space required to store transactions. All blocks are still fully validated. Reverting this setting requires re-downloading the entire blockchain.


This option specifies the size of the database cache in memory. A higher value will result in increased performance when adding new blocks at the cost of higher memory usage. The default value is 300MB and it should not be set lower than this level.


这个选项用于设置脚本验证进程数,数值范围从-4到16。脚本验证进程数。具体来说,脚本验证指的是遵循区块链中记录的指令来确保交易的有效性。设置0表示自动验证,并允许脚本验证扩展到处理器上可用的核心数;设置正数意味着Dash Core钱包使用设定的数量的处理器核心数;而设置负数则意味着达世币核心钱包闲置所设定的数量的处理器核心数。


The Wallet tab of the Options dialog contains settings related to how addresses are managed in the Dash Core app. The first time you run Dash Core, it will generate a new wallet containing 1000 unique Dash addresses. This tab allows you to configure how these addresses are used as inputs with the Coin Control, CoinJoin and Masternode features.


Dash Core选项的钱包标签#


Your Dash Core wallet balance is actually the sum total of all addresses holding balance that are associated with your wallet. When you spend Dash, Dash Core will withdraw from as many inputs as necessary to make up the desired amount of Dash to be transferred. This behavior may be undesirable if you want to keep a certain balance on one address. Enabling this option will add a button labelled Inputs on the Send tab. This provides access to the Coin Selection dialog, which can be used to lock, unlock and prioritize different addresses in your wallet. See here for a more detailed explanation of Coin Control.


Enabling this option causes Dash Core to display an additional Masternodes tab to the right of the Transactions tab. This option requires you to restart the Dash Core app. The Masternodes tab can be used to view details of masternodes registered on the Dash blockchain.

Show Governance tab

Enabling this option causes Dash Core to display an additional Governance tab. This option requires you to restart the Dash Core app. The Governance tab can be used to view details of governance proposals active on the Dash network.


启用这个选项之后,Dash Core钱包将允许用户立即使用钱包以往关联的地址上存留的零钱。由于同一个钱包所关联的各个地址建立了内部交易关系,因此即使这些零钱还没有被确认,这些零钱也能被用户所使用。启用这个选项之后,即使之前的交易尚未确认,用户也可以创建新的交易。

Enable CoinJoin features

Enabling this option displays the CoinJoin tab in the main Dash Core window and the Options dialog, and allows you to process and spend your balance using CoinJoin.

CoinJoin tab#

The CoinJoin tab contains options relating to how CoinJoin functions in Dash Core.


The CoinJoin tab of the Dash Core Options dialog#

Enable advanced interface

Enabling this option changes the interface on the Overview tab of the Dash Core wallet to include more information, such as the remaining keys, percentage completion and current operation. See here for a full explanation of how to use CoinJoin.

Show popups for mixing transactions

Enabling this option will display notifications as the CoinJoin transactions are created.

Warn if the wallet is running out of keys

Enabling this option will cause Dash Core to display a warning when your original set of 1000 addresses is running out, which may affect CoinJoin processing. When 900 addresses are used, your wallet must create more addresses. It can only do this if you have automatic backups enabled. Consequently, users who have backups disabled will also have CoinJoin disabled.

Enable multi-session

Normally CoinJoin processing is completed in several consecutive rounds, each using a single masternode. Enabling this option allows multi-session, which means you can use multiple masternode servers at the same time, greatly increasing the speed of the CoinJoin process at the cost of creating more addresses and thus requiring more frequent wallet backups.

Mixing rounds

Use this option to control the number of rounds of CoinJoin to be processed for your chosen balance. Each round of processing uses a new masternode. The higher the number of rounds, the more difficult it becomes to trace the Dash to its original address. This is at the expense of more time required for processing and potentially higher fees.

Target balance

This option allows you to specify how much Dash should be kept on balance in a ready-to-use processed state, meaning it has already passed through the CoinJoin process. The available amount is shown as the balance on the CoinJoin tab.


This tab includes options related to your Dash network connection.


Dash Core选项的网络选项栏#


建立在通用即插即用软件上的地图端口可以在用户的路由器上自动为Dash Core钱包打开并定位客户端端口 (Universal Plug and Play)。大多数的现代家用路由器都支持这个功能,并允许用户在不对路由器进行任何特殊设置的前提下连接到达世币网络。


这个选项意味着用户的客户端同意外部连接。达世币是一个P2P网络,而在个人设备上存储了整个区块链的Dash Core钱包则被看作一个全节点。因此,同意传入连接可以帮助其它客户端完成区块链同步和网络同步。






This tab contains options relating to the display of the Dash Core app window.


Dash Core选项的显示选项栏#


用户可以通过这个下拉菜单设置首选语言。更改语言要求用户重启Dash Core钱包应用程序。


用户可以通过这项设置更改Dash Core钱包的默认货币单位,将达世币改为mDash,uDash或duffs。每个单位将小数点分隔符向右移动三个位置。duffs是达世币可以分离的最小单位。




这个选项允许用户指定并检查网页,从而检查在区块链上的地址和交易。用户可以通过各种区块链来完成设置。具体来说,用户需要输入个人最喜欢的区块链浏览器的网址,并把%s改成交易的ID。 完成这些设置之后,用户就可以通过任何交易的文本菜单直接在Dash Core钱包上访问区块链浏览器了。

Appearance tab#

This tab contains options relating to the visual appearance of the Dash Core app window.


The Appearance tab of the Dash Core Options dialog#


You can use this option to select a different theme governing the appearance of the Dash Core window. All functionality is identical under the different themes.

Font Family

This option allows you to select a different font to display text in the window.

Font Scale and Weight

These options control the size and weight of fonts in the window.


本文档介绍了Dash Core钱包的工具功能,该对话框位于钱包的 工具 菜单下。



Dash Core工具的信息栏#










这个按键从应用程序数据目录打开debug.log。这个文件包含Dash Core钱包的输出数据,可以帮助诊断错误。


The Console tab provides an interface with the Dash Core RPC (remote procedure call) console. This is equivalent to the dash-cli command on headless versions of Dash, such as dashd running on a masternode. Click the red × icon to clear the console, and see the detailed documentation on RPC commands to learn about the possible commands you can issue.


Dash Core工具的调试选项栏#


The Network Traffic tab shows a graph of traffic sent and received to peers on the network over time. You can adjust the time period using the slider or Reset the graph.


Dash Core工具的网络流量选项栏#


其他用户选项栏显示与用户的Dash Core钱包客户端相连的其它全节点的列表。用户可以查看对方的IP地址、版本和ping时间。用户选择其他用户之后就意味着会与对方交换数据的相关信息。


Dash Core工具的其他用户选项栏#


钱包修复选项栏提供一系列启动命令,用户可以通过这些命令恢复钱包的功能状态。选择这些启动命令中的任何一个都意味着Dash Core钱包会依据指定的命令行进行重启。


Dash Core工具的钱包修复选项栏#

Rescan blockchain files 1


Rescan blockchain files 2

Performs the same operation as Rescan blockchain files 1 but scans from the genesis block instead of the wallet creation time.


The recover transactions commands can be used to remove unconfirmed transactions from the memory pool. Your wallet will restart and rescan the blockchain, recovering existing transactions and removing unconfirmed transactions. Transactions may become stuck in an unconfirmed state if there is a conflict in protocol versions on the network during CoinJoin processing, for example, or if a transaction is sent with insufficient fees when blocks are full.






The wallet salvage option was moved to the standalone dash-wallet command-line application in Dash Core v18.0. Running dash-wallet with the salvage command assumes the wallet file provide by the -wallet parameter is corrupted and cannot be read. It makes a copy of the wallet file as <wallet name>.<date>.bak and scans it to attempt to recover any private keys.

Example: dash-wallet -wallet=mywallet/wallet.dat salvage